
Embodiment of reason

Embodiment of Reason exhibition at the Uganda Museum curated by Martha Kazungu featuring the work of Lilian Nabulime and Maria Brinch.

Venue: Uganda Museum,Kampala , Uganda

Exhibition opening: Jul 11, 2019

Duration: Jul 11, 2019 - Jul 31, 2019


Photo by Martha Kazungu


Photo by Martha Kazungu

With Maria Brinch working with fabric and Lilian Nabulime working with wood and clay, the exhibition was an interesting juxtaposition of experiencing the materiality of creativity and how this affects perception and interpretation.


The title Embodiment of Reason was inspired by Katherine Stockmann’s character in Henrik ibsen’s 1882 play titled An Enemy of the People. In the play, Katherine unlike her male counterparts, is consistently depicted as practical in responding to her society’s challenges. In this exhibition, the works of Lilian Nabulime and Maria Brinch emerge as embodiments of reason. Lilian Nabulime is a well-established contemporary female Ugandan artist with a long history and passion for wood carving. Maria Brinch is a Norwegian artist who works mainly by folding fabric.

With Maria Brinch working with fabric and Lilian Nabulime working with Wood and clay, the show is an interesting juxtaposition of experiencing materiality of creativity and how this affects perception and interpretation. Insofar, the exhibition seeks to expose the relevance and efficiency of materials in communicating meaning within works of art. Art has always served the subtle role of emitting pleasant sensations to its viewers. But how do we approach the art which is created as a sort of intervention, a response or a caution? Such examples of art are not far from what Lilian Nabulime and Maria Brinch create. Both artists are charged with the need to communicate powerful values and qualities of life. Both artists use materials as powerful conduits to meaning making and interpretation.

Lilian Nabulime’s work comes in handy in demonstrating the functionality of the material. With objects like soap, seeds, wood, metal, plastic, she is successfully able to communicate about the unpleasant story of HIV/AIDS. Yet, Maria Brinch comes in with a brilliant juxtaposition of fabric not only as a dominant material of her art but also as a main inspiration to her creativity. Unlike Nabulime who finds it proper to display her brisky materials, Brinch is rather interested in concealing. She folds the fabric, which in essence becomes a deliberate concealment of given life realities.

The exhibition was reviewed by the Independent Magazine (Uganda) and the East African NewsPaper. Photos show both exhibition installation shots as well as a selection of art works that were exhibited at the Uganda Museum’s car garage in July 2019.

  • Artists: Maria Brinch, Lilian Nabulime
  • Curator: Martha Kazungu
  • Supported by: Uganda Museum, Norwigian Crafts, OCA
  • Photos: Miriam Watsemba, Martha Kazungu
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